We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.

Community Resources
Please contact one of the following organizations if you are in need of assistance with income, care for loved ones, or food insecurity:​​
Memory care facility resource provides detailed information to help caregivers and their families in Ohio better understand what memory care involves and how to choose the right community. https://www.caring.com/senior-living/memory-care-facilities/ohio
• Wood County Job and Family Services: 419-352-7566 ext. 8492 or https://www.woodcountyjfs.com/. Services include back rent, first month’s rent and deposit, utilities and car repair for those who have children. Also available to provide referrals to other resources.
• Ohio Benefits: 1-844-640-6446 or benefits.ohio.gov. Apply for Medicaid, SNAP or TANF (cash assistance).
• Child care assistance: 419-352-7566- press 0 and ask for child care assistance or apply online at the Ohio Benefits website (above). Those needing to locate a state licensed child care provider can go to http://childcaresearch.ohio.gov/.
• United Way: https://www.unitedwaytoledo.org/get-help/united-way-2-1-1-support/. Health and human service resource available to all residents of Lucas, Wood, and Ottawa counties. Connect with a community resource advisor by dialing 2-1-1, or send a text with your ZIP code to 898-211, or chat online. You can also search the community resource database on this website.
• The Brown Bag Food Project offers food assistance as well as hygiene items. To receive services, either send a message via Facebook, call them at 419-960-5345, or stop by the office Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00pm-6:30pm (530 Sand Ridge Road, Bowling Green Ohio 43402).
• Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) is available November through March to provide utility bill assistance for electric and heating bills. The service is available for eligible residents of Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca and Wood counties. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-775-9767 or 567-432-5046 or visit https://app.capappointments.com.
• The Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (www.glcap.org) provides numerous services for residents of northwest Ohio - including childcare, education, community & rural development, homeless assistance, home rehabilitation & needs, international programs, job training & placement, senior services, small business assistance, transportation, and utility bill assistance. Contact them by phone at 1-800-775-9767.