We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.


We are a welcoming spiritual community in Bowling Green, OH that explores together the 8 Unitarian Universalist principles. We embrace acceptance of people with different faith traditions and beliefs as well as from different social and economic backgrounds, races, abilities, ages, and those of the LGBTQIA++ community. We hope you will join us in our search for truth and meaning.
Events at MVUUC
Upcoming Service

Sunday 2/9/25
@ 11 AM
"The Work of a Lifetime"
Service Leaders: Kevin McCluney & Lisa Merrill-Price
In this sermon from Main Line Unitarian Church, Rev. Dr. John Morehouse explores the critical importance of inclusion in today's challenging social landscape. Drawing from personal experiences and powerful stories, he challenges listeners to actively use their privilege and authority to create more equitable and just spaces.
Click To Be Taken to Sunday Service on Zoom!
Meeting ID: 985 2270 1337
Password: 326380
Open Circle Discussion Group
Sundays @ 10 AM
This Week:
Film critic Roger Ebert once said “"Movies are like a machine that generates empathy." With the Academy Awards coming up, let’s consider movies that have generated empathy for you in Open Circle this week. If you have seen an Oscar nominated film this year (list here: https://bit.ly/4godgc4), please bring your reactions. If you have a favorite movie of all time, please bring your thoughts. Come to listen and share this week about what Susan Sontag called “the only really vital American art form right now.” See you at Open Circle!