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We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.

We invite you to attend our Sunday services to gain an appreciation for the diversity of our programs.
As you continue to attend, we invite you to consider becoming a member.
When should I arrive?
​If you want to come for our adult discussion group, come by 10am. Otherwise, come a little before our regular service (11am) so we can greet you. You can take a look around the place, and, if you have children, bring them to child care (three and under) or our religious education program (three and up).
Will the kids like it?​
We are very family-friendly at MVUUC, and we have a top-notch religious education program that encourages our children to be curious, exposes them to many kinds of religious thought, and fosters a strong sense of compassion and social justice. And it's fun!
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable wearing to a religious service. Some of our members wear dresses or ties, others jeans and t-shirts, and most somewhere in between.
Who's welcome at MVUUC?​
You are. Here's our welcoming statement, printed in our program every week:
We are a welcoming congregation. We hold out our hands to the old and the young, the poor and the rich, the able-bodies and the challenged, and all in between. We extend our arms to people of every color, and we embrace all based not on whom they love, but only that they love. May all who enter here as strangers feel welcomed as friends.
What goes on in a typical service?​
We don't have one typical service. Generally, though, we begin with some welcoming words, we welcome visitors, we light our chalice and offer an opportunity for people to voice their joys, concerns or milestones; and we have a program or sermon. We sing just about every service. After the service, please join us for tea and coffee. The first Sunday of each month we hold a potluck lunch. You are invited to join us in good food and conversation, even if you have not brought any food.
What doesn't go on in a typical service?​
No one will tell you what you must believe, or how you must act, or that you're a sinner, or that there's something wrong with you.
So then, what are UU services about?​
About an hour. OK, just kidding (although that is about how long they last). In a nutshell, they can be about anything that reflects who we are.
How can we join?​
Talk to Becky Croke, Lynn Israel, or anyone on the board (see our board member page) about the path to membership: learning more about our principles and signing our membership book. That's it!
Still have questions?​
Come check us out. And if you have more questions about Unitarian Universalism in general, chances are that it's one of the 100 questions visitors ask about Unitarian Universalism.
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