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We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.

Contribute to MVUUC
Giving is a vital spiritual activity at MVUUC. Our members and friends use their time, talents, and money to nourish this congregation and support its work. We give in a variety of ways:
Stewardship: Through pledged financial donations and volunteer time, we enable the church to manage its day-to-day work.
50/50 Offering: Each Potluck Sunday, we donate half of our offering to a selected charity. The charity changes each month.
Minister’s Discretionary Fund: Our Christmas Eve offering goes to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, which helps those in emergency need.
Caring: When members or friends have unexpected needs, our Caring ministry helps organize meaningful gifts of time, money, and love.
Endowment: The Endowment Fund supports congregation efforts that go beyond day-to-day operations.
Fundraising: We sponsor several events and programs that support the church’s day-to-day activities or are targeted to specific needs.
Automatic withdrawal from your checking account: Most banks now have an option for you to enroll in an online bill payment program to pay your bills every month, including your pledge payment! Please talk to your personal banker today or contact our treasurer at
You can donate now using PayPal by clicking the button below; you can make a payment toward your pledge, a one-time contribution, or a special gift.
Please note: PayPal does charge MVUUC 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction, so please consider increasing your donation a bit to cover the transaction fees!
NOTE: If you are making your pledge online, please let us know that in the "Add Special Instructions to Seller" box when you are checking out on PayPal.
Check: Please make your check payable to “MVUUC” and either drop it in the collection plate on Sunday or mail it to the MVUUC at:
Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation
20189 N. Dixie Hwy
Bowling Green, OH 43402
*Please be sure to write in the memo line of the check if you would like this to be allocated towards your pledge for the year.
Support MVUUC
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