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We strive to be a welcoming and growing spiritual community of religious liberals advancing acceptance, pursuing reason, nurturing love, furthering justice, and promoting peace.


Hogwarts Summer Camp Registration
Registration is now open for Hogwarts Summer Camp 2024! August 10-11, 2024.
Please complete the Google Form linked below and submit payment to register for camp.
We are capping at 40 campers so sign-up early! Register by July 10th!
Any question please contact Noel McCluney, Director of Religious Education, at
Volunteers Needed
To run camp smoothly we could use some additional volunteers!
Check out the sign-up genius for volunteer options. We have pre-camp opportunities like helping with prep or set-up, during camp tasks like helping with food set-up or watching kids on the water slide, and post-camp tasks like helping to break down tents.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hogwarts Camp 2024 Schedule:
Magic & Music
Families will receive a detailed schedule upon registration.
Families are encouraged to attend and participate in any part of camp if they wish.
More info and previous years
Check out Hogwarts Summer Camp for more camp details and a look at the last few years of camp.

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